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Christmas Sermon 2024

Christmas has a magical way to capture our imagination.

We can imagine a world where love, equality and peace prevail.

Christmas invites us to imagine a world renewed by the grace of God. It is a season that stirs our deepest longings for love, peace, and equality.  I want this vision to resonate in our celebration of Christmas, knowing and trusting in God’s saving grace, poured out in abundance, transforming us into heirs of eternal hope. After all, our story of the birth of Jesus, is full of humbleness and contrast: the Savior who brings this grace into our world, not with pomp and power, but in the humble setting of a manger.

Christmas is not just a memory, or an excuse to buy gifts or get together but a movement—the “goodness and loving kindness” of God appearing to save us. This salvation is not something we earn but a gift of grace, a radical act of divine love.

After all, God entered a weary world not to condemn but to redeem. Through Christ, we are washed clean, renewed by the Holy Spirit, and made heirs of eternal life. This grace is not abstract; it is deeply personal, transforming how we see ourselves and others.

And yet, We live in a world marked by division and despair, and yet Christmas reminds us that God’s plan is one of restoration. As heirs of grace, we are called to embody this hope, working for a world where love prevails and peace endures.

The birth of Jesus is a story of divine humility. The King of Kings enters the world not in a palace but in a stable, among animals and shepherds. This speaks about God’s priorities and the values of His Kingdom.

Jesus was born in the midst of daily life—amid census counts, crowded inns, and tired travelers. This reminds us that God’s grace meets us where we are, in the messiness of our own lives.

And yet, The angel’s announcement to the shepherds proclaims that the good news is for everyone, especially the marginalized. Shepherds, often overlooked in society, are the first to hear of Christ’s birth, showing us that God’s Kingdom lifts up the lowly.

The shepherds’ encounter with the angelic host is a moment of pure joy and awe. The angels declare, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.”

In a world plagued by strife, Christmas declares the arrival of peace—not just the absence of conflict but the presence of wholeness and harmony. This peace flows from the grace of God and calls us to be peacemakers in our homes, communities, and beyond.

The shepherds’ response to the good news is immediate. They leave their flocks to witness the miracle, and afterward, they spread the word with excitement. Christmas joy compels us to action, sharing the light of Christ with others and working to create a world that reflects His love.
The song “Someday at Christmas” dreams of a world without war, hunger, or fear. This vision is not just a far-off hope; it begins with the grace we receive in Christ. Through Him, we are empowered to make “someday” a reality today.

I hope that someday at Christmas we are  reminded that our transformation through grace is not for ourselves alone. As heirs of eternal hope, we are called to share this grace through acts of kindness, forgiveness, and service.

I hope that someday at Christmas, Like the shepherds, we are called to be messengers of the good news. In a world that often feels divided and hopeless, our lives can reflect the joy and peace of Christmas, pointing others to the Savior.

The beauty of Christmas lies in its transformative power. In Jesus, God has entered our broken world to redeem it, bringing grace, hope, and peace. The wonders of His birth, is to allow this grace to shape our lives, guiding us to imagine and work for a world where love reigns.May we carry this vision into the new year, confident that the Savior born in Bethlehem is still at work, making all things new. And may we proclaim, like the shepherds, the good news of great joy: And Someday at Christmas we’ll see a land With no hungry children, no empty hand One happy morning people will share . A world where people care.